Monday, September 25, 2017

SCOM - remove subscriber from all subscriptions and delete subscriber

when trying to delete a subscriber, you may get an error that the subscriber is still in use. but there is no quick and simple way to view in the SCOM console the memberships for the subscriber....

but there is a simple powershell script that will provide that information.

let's connect to SCOM (I prefer to use the Powershell_ISE console.... ) first:

$MG= "YourManagementServerFQDN"
$Module = get-module|where {$_.Name -match "OperationsManager"}
if (!($Module)){
    Write-Host "Import OperationsManager Module"
    import-module OperationsManager
Write-Host "Connecting to SCOM Management Group"
$ManagementServer = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ManagementGroup($MG)

the next step is to get all subscriptions, and then enumerate the members (and only show those that match the member you are looking for

$a = Get-SCOMNotificationSubscription
foreach ($b in $a)
       $ns = $b.DisplayName
       $b.ToRecipients | foreach { If ($_.Name -match "SubscriberName") { Write-Host $ns " --"                   $B.Enabled.ToString() } }

when you create a subscriber it automatically picks your domainname \username so in our environment I only search for the username - and I just test it first in the console in the subscriber pane.

but... powershell is to make life easy - so can even be a lot more simple.
In the script below it will find any subscription where the subscribername is found, and it then removes that subscriber from the ToRecipients, and updates the subscription.
and the last step is to remove the subscriber once it has been removed from all subscriptions !!

$a = Get-SCOMNotificationSubscription
$user = "SubscriberName"
foreach ($b in $a)
 $ns = $b.DisplayName
 $d = $Null
 foreach ($c in $b.ToRecipients)
   If ($c.Name -match $user)
        Write-Host $ns " -- " $B.Enabled.ToString()
        $d = $C
 if ($d -ne $null)
write-host "now we delete the subscriber $user"
$del = Get-SCOMNotificationSubscriber -Name "*$user"
Remove-SCOMNotificationSubscriber $del

That's it !